If You Hate Networking Watch This
Don’t write off networking if you want to do what is best to help your business succeed. If you are one of the networking “haters”, watch what Jarrod has to say to you!
You hate networking. It’s like pulling teeth trying to go to an event in order to sell your business. After many years of seeing literally thousands of people with all kinds of personality types go to networking events, I’d say you just have to go out there and connect with people in the community. If people don’t see your business, than where are they going to find you? It’s one thing to have the connections on social media (as it’s a very important part of marketing to have a great website, Facebook & Twitter accounts, YouTube videos etc), but nothing will ever beat the face to face part of networking. This is where people can get to see your personality and get to know more about YOU. If you don’t like networking, suck-it-up and start going to out some of the events to start practicing the networking because it will get easier the more people you introduce yourself to and you connect with. Happy networking everybody. See you at the next event. Because #eSAX makes networking work
Do you have a networking question you’d like to ask? Email info (at) esax.ca or tweet your question using #eSAX!
Starring: Jarrod Goldsmith of eSAX and Sax Appeal.
With help from Wasim from Storyline Productions and Jessica from Hewett Ripley Communications!
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