Your Networking Survival Kit
Today our #AskTheFedora answers the question of what to keep in your networking survival kit!
How many times have you been to a networking event and a person says “I forgot my business cards or they’re in my other purse”. Always leave an extra stack in your car just in case so you can run back and get some. There was one event where I forgot my hat because I biked to the event. Eighteen different people came up to me and asked me where was my hat. Ever since then I keep it in the car. As a survival kit I always suggest keeping a little pill bottle of multi-vitamins and vitamin C; bottled water, extra business cards and your name tag. But make sure your name tag doesn’t get scratched or damaged in any way so put them into a little box. And then you’ll never run out of the essential networking necessities.
Starring: Jarrod Goldsmith of eSAX and Sax Appeal.
With help from Wasim from Storyline Productions and Jessica from Hewett Ripley Communications!