Ask the Fedora: Why It’s Important To Make Friends At Entrepreneur Networking Events
This week on Ask the Fedora: Why It’s Important To Make Friends At Entrepreneur Networking Events
At a networking event, it’s very important to connect with ‘like-minded’ people since you never know where your business, or their business, may end-up in a few years. Take the time to really connect with somebody and learn about their background, experiences and how they ended-up being an entrepreneur. You may be surprised that very few people are actually working in the field that they studied in school. Some of the best business or personal relationships begin right at the initial introduction at a networking event. When you have the chance to really connect with someone and actually become friends, that’s when the relationship starts to become much more than simply a cold hard sales pitch. As yourself this: When you’re at a networking event, can you pinpoint when someone starts to become a friend versus a business acquaintance? It takes time to develop that. When a person starts crossing the boundaries from simply being a networking associate to becoming a friend, that’s when there’s absolutely no problem doing business with them because you trust them, you like them, you respect them, and you would be happy to refer them.
Do you have a networking question you’d like to ask? Email info (at) or tweet your question using #eSAX!
Starring: Jarrod Goldsmith of eSAX and Sax Appeal.
With help from Wasim from Storyline Productions and Jessica from Hewett Ripley Communications!
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