Why Enthusiasm Matters At Networking Events
Today our #AskTheFedora looks at “Why Enthusiasm Matters At Networking Events”.
You go to so many networking events, so how do you avoid burnout? Every opportunity at a networking event is a way to continue the conversations that you’ve had from previous events. Plus, you’re meeting new people for the first time so it’s a never-ending opportunity to make new connections. When you go out and try to connect with people, you should always be excited and enthusiastic! Sure, some people might have an extra coffee or two (I for one drink a lot in the morning), but it’s so important to always have enthusiasm. So you go to a networking event and a person’s talking to you about their business: “I do this, I’m kind of into that, I’m not sure about this, I don’t like doing that”. They are not leaving a very good impression on the other person because they don’t seem to have the enthusiasm. If you’re an introvert, it might be very difficult to talk about what you do, but you’re business is your passion. You need to express your passion to other people so that they’ll buy into it because people buy into you. As a small business owner you are the business. Whatever networking event you’re going to and you’re meeting somebody for the first time or hundredth time, you need to get that passion out because it’s something that people will remember. Never forget your enthusiasm at networking events because eSAX makes networking work!
Do you have a networking question you’d like to ask? Email info (at) esax.ca or tweet your question using #eSAX!
Starring: Jarrod Goldsmith of eSAX and Sax Appeal.
With help from Wasim from Storyline Productions and Jessica from Hewett Ripley Communications!