Think Of Networking As A Long-Term Goal
Today our #AskTheFedora video encourages you to look at networking as a long-term goal.
Starring: Jarrod Goldsmith of eSAX and Sax Appeal.
With help from Wasim from Storyline Productions and Jessica from Hewett Ripley Communications!
How do I find the time to balance all the networking events and follow-ups that are required? This is what I treat as a full-time business. It’s people. Because people buy into people. Take the time to respond to every single e-mail that comes your way since the other person took time to write you, it just seems like a courteous thing to do to reply. I spend a lot of my time replying to people, following-up with people, connecting on LinkedIn and entering everyone’s information in my database. I don’t know if it’s going to get me a gig this week, but it may in 6 months or a year from now, especially if you see them at regular events you’re going to continue to build this relationship with people.