Ask the Fedora: Should You Network Without Business Cards?
Our #AskTheFedora series continues this week with an important question often asked by entrepreneurs: should I go to networking events if I don’t have my business cards yet?
If you’ve just started a business and don’t have business cards yet, should you still attend networking events? It’s a good idea to at least start going to the events to see how they work even if you don’t have business cards yet to start learning some important skills such as observing other peoples’ body language and their tone of voice. If somebody asks you for a business card, you may not wish to say you’ve only been in business two weeks. Rather, it might be wise to say that you’re working on the business cards and should have them arrive in the next few weeks. At entrepreneur networking events, it’s always smart to ask for someone else’s business card. Then, mention that you’d be very happy to follow-up with them. Take the time to make sure that your business cards are perfect before you start giving them out. Happy networking everybody. See you at the next event. Because #eSAX makes networking work
Do you have a networking question you’d like to ask? Email info (at) or tweet your question using #eSAX!
Starring: Jarrod Goldsmith of eSAX and Sax Appeal.
With help from Wasim from Storyline Productions and Jessica from Hewett Ripley Communications!
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